About UPT
About UPT 關於聯純
About UPT
Company Profile
In today’s modern world it is essential to develop water purification sys-tems that provide very high levels of purity and efficiency, while safe guarding our fragile ecology. UPT has carved out a niche in the world of technology, with its unceasing commitment towards service, design, and quality, and has shown outstanding performance in the semiconductor, power plant, chemical and bioengineering sectors.
Our success has been built upon many years of research, innovation, and experience. In the face of increasingly stringent water purity require-ments especially in the hi-tech manufacturing industries,
UPT can always be relied upon to provide the perfectly designed and cost effective systems for all our customers’ needs.
We are always up to date on all the latest technological developments in order to improve reliability and operating simplicity while reducing run-ning costs and environmental impact.
Here at UPT, we believe that team work not only offers the best possible service to our clients, but also provides a stimulating and proactive en-vironment for our employees, both essential if we are to keep at the forefront of our sector.
Above all, you can rely on our system designers and engineers to listen to your every requirement and provide a prompt and friendly service; for only through satisfied customers can we become the leader in our industry.
UPT Rotation
我們重視客戶的需求,秉持 “誠信、負責、創新、技術” 等核心價值,追求更好的維修品質、交期配合度高、專業儀器量測查修;定期保養、確保妥善率;專業儀器對心校正、確保設備正常運轉;並提供售後保固,為客戶提供優質服務,成為您安心又信賴的合作夥伴。
UPT Sustainability